Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Winter Warmer To Chase Those Colds Away!

So I'm back from my holiday in the sunshine! Imagine my surprise when I return to discover that....winter has arrived (well in the Southern Hemisphere it has anyway!). It's darker, drearier and definitely chillier and no-one was more aware of this than me when I landed to a cold & rainy evening and soon discovered that somehow my car battery had gone flat while it waited for me in the airport carpark. (Couldn't have been anything to do with me leaving the interior light on could it?!?!) Anywho, traditionally this is the time of year when those nasty colds & flus come out to play but I'm here to help! Here is a quick and easy way to stay warm and try to prevent getting sick this winter. It's the good ole hot lemon & honey drink! We tend to drink these once the cold has already caught us, when we notice a bit of a sore throat or a cough but it's actually a brilliant preventative measure. The lemon juice is really high in Vitamin C as well as containing Vitamins A, B1, B2 and B3. Some say lemons are the best source of Vitamin C which is a well known fighter of the common cold. In addition, lemon juice is also said to help detox the body which can't hurt! Now the honey...studies have shown the it can be more effective than many medicines in supressing a cough, boosts the immune system and is an easily digestible form of sweetener. Try having one of these every morning to help you stay healthy and well this winter. Hot Honey & Lemon Drink You'll Need: 1 nice mug (it makes you feel better drinking out of a lovely mug!) juice of half a lemon 1 dessert spoon of honey (the best quality you can - go organic and/or local if you can!) boiling water To Make: *place the lemon juice in the mug *top with hot water *stir in the honey note: play with the taste to suit you - if you like it sweeter - add more honey or more lemony - add more juice! If you find it's not flavoursome enough add more juice and more honey! This is a super simple way to improve your health and well being and who might even keep it up all year! More recipes and the weekly meal planner coming soon....I promise! Chin chin xx

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