Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Holiday Cooking!

Well it has to be said that I'm on holidays whilst I write this so forgive the odd spelling error or incorrect grammar...please. And also, this post will be sans photos until I can update it at my computer as I seem to have forgotten the right cord (any techo smart inventor type people who may read this I'm giving you the heads up that if you could invent some kind of "UNI" cord for every piece of technology that would be great...ie. camera, mobile, ipod, video cam, game thingys etc etc etc).
Ok..so when you're on holiday you don't always want to be out spending heaps of money at restaurants for breakkie, lunch and dinner. It ends up costing a packet and if you have kids it's sometimes not practical. But not going out for every meal doesn't have to mean that you spend your holiday still feeling like your still doing your domestic duties like cooking. For me, holiday food is all about KISS (keeping it simple simple - yeah no stupids here!)
The first important note is to try to book some accom that has some kitchen facilities - whilst it might cost a bit more and you might think that by not doing this you're going to make sure that you really have a holiday by not being able to cook, trust me it's better to have it. At the very least you can go and buy some nice drinkies from the local bottle shop and stash them in your own fridge for anytime wine, beer or cocktail o'clock comes around. You can also have your own nibbles and snacks on hand for when you feel hungry without having to traipse down to the shops or pay through the nose at the resort bar/restaurant! And it also gives you the OPTION to cook up a little something if you feel like a quiet night in, if the kids are hungry or if you're just a bit sick of wanky waiters, overpriced food and getting dressed to go out. I mean, let's be honest, there are some great restaurants when you go on hols with fabulous food and the whole amazing dining experience...but there are also quite a few that leave a bit to be desired!
So here are my solutions for some easy, quick and yummy meals that to me epitomise holiday cooking (and eating!):
Banana, Prawn & Avocado boats (serves 4):
The inspiration for this one actually came from one of our many trips to Bali where we often eat at a great little place called Mades Warung. The mix of the sweet banana with the soft, juicy and slightly salty prawns and the tangy seafood sauce is to die for - then I tricked it up with a little avocado which is always great with seafood!
You'll need: fresh prawns (buy them cooked & peeled to make holiday life even simpler!), a jar or bottle of good quality seafood sauce (I like the really orange masterfoods one in the jar - or you can mix some whole egg mayo with tomato ketchup if you already have these in the cupboard), a lemon or lime cut into wedges, 2 bananas sliced, 2 ripe avocados halved lengthways with the stone removed.
To make: mix the sliced banana, prawns and enough sauce to coat in a bowl, divide mixture between the 4 into avocado halves and serve with lime or lemon wedges to squeeze over.
(if making at home you can also top with a sprinkle of paprika or cayenne pepper for a real retro feel and they make a great starter for a casual dinner party or bbq)
Mexican Chicken Wrap Its: (serves 4)
A really easy lunch or dinner which the kids will love too because you get to add what you like! You can mess with this any way you like (eg make with cooked prawns, crayfish or crab meat instead of chicken, add some more salad ingredients etc etc)
You'll need:
1 large bbq chicken, 1 packet of tortillas (10-12 pieces), 1 tomato, 1 ripe avocado mashed roughly, 1 spanish onion, your favourite supermarket salsa, (or make your own if you really want to!), sour cream, 1 pkt ready grated tasty cheese, 1 pkt corn chips, 1 can kidney beans rinsed & drained, 1 lime
To make: shred the bbq chicken and place the meat on a plate, roughly mash the kidney beans and add some S&P and enough water to make a paste, dice the tomato and finely chop the spanish onion and then stir them both into the mashed avocado with the juice of the lime and a generous amount of S&P and heat the tortillas according to the directions. Serve the chicken, beans, guacamole, cheese, sour cream and salsa on the table with the tortillas & corn chips so people can make their own wraps with some corn chips on the side to dip into the left over bits and pieces. Easy and yummy!
Gourmet Sausage Dogs: (serves 4+)
You'll need: 6 good quality chicken sausages, 6 crusty bread rolls, cranberry sauce, half a round of brie cheese sliced into 1cm slices, fresh mixed lettuce
To make: cook the sausages in a pan until golden on the outside and firm to the touch, cut the breadrolls in the centre of the top to about 3/4 of the way down, slice your sausages down the centre lengthways about 1/2 way through, place some lettuce leaves into the rolls, place the sausage on top of the lettuce, put some sliced brie into the split, top with some splodges of cranberry sauce.
Mix It Up: this recipe can be changed in many different ways - here are some ideas....swap the chicken sausages for beef, the brie for tasty and the cranberry for ketchup....swap the chicken sausages for pork, the brie for blue cheese and the cranberry for apple sauce.....stick with the chicken sausages, swap the brie for tasty, the cranberry for mashed avo & sour cream and add some diced tomato with the lettuce....use chicken sausages, swap the lettuce for undressed coleslaw, swap the cranberry for some sweet chilli and mayonaise....or come up with your own
Beachside Chicken Pitta Pizza: (serves 4+)
You'll need: a pkt of pitta bread, some bbq sauce, grated cheese, a tin of pineapple pieces (drained but use the juice for a cocktail!!), a bbq chicken shredded, 1 tomato sliced (optional), 1 diced avocado
To make: spread each of the pittas with bbq sauce (or tomato if you prefer), sprinkle with some cheese, shredded chicken, pineapple pieces and some sliced tomato (if using), then top with some more cheese. Place in a preheated 180 degree C oven or under a grill until cheese is melted and bubbling. Top with diced avocado and serve with green salad if desired!
Mix It Up: play with this recipe by....swapping the bbq chicken with some peeled green prawns (remember to make sure they have turned pink and are cooked through in the oven)...using salami instead of chicken, capsicum and/or mushies instead of pineapple and skipping the avo.
Hope you like these and remember you don't have to be on holidays to give them a go!
Til next time...
Chin chin xxx

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