Sunday, November 14, 2010

Three Dips w/ Thyme & Pepper Pitta Crisps

Now that the warmer weather is greeting us with open arms (well, in the Southern Hemisphere anyway!) entertaining is back on the agenda. BBQ's, picnics, arvo drinks...ya gotta love them and who doesn't want something quick, easy and home-made to put on the table at the start of the gathering to get your guests tastebuds singing? Well if you don't, then you're probably reading the wrong blog! Anywho....these three homemade dips couldn't be simpler. They taste fantastic and look stunning and best of all when you make them yourself you know that there are no nasty preservatives, flavours or colours lurking in there that you don't know about. And there is something so satisfying about hearing your guests ooh and aaah about your culinary creations that it makes the time spent in the kitchen more than worthwhile!

So give these a go next time you have some friends over or if you head out for an afternoon at the beach or park they travel really well in some airtight containers. If you're gluten free you can serve them with some lavosh crackers and/or some crudite (fancy word for chopped up vegies!) instead of the pitta crisps. So get stuck in and enjoy!

Three Dips w/ Thyme & Pepper Pitta Crisps

Three Dips
You'll Need:

Pumpkin, Nutmeg & Fetta
500g pumpkin (peeled and cut into 3cm chunks)
1 tbs nutmeg
100 grams fetta
olive oil

Creamy Beetroot, Dill & Cumin
425g tin of beetroot (drained well)
1 tbs sour cream
1 tsp chopped dill
1 tsp cumin

Pea, Parmesan & Garlic
500g pkt frozen peas (blanched in boiling water and then cooled in cold water)
1/4 cup freshly grated parmesan
1 clove garlic
olive oil
1 tbsp chopped mint

Pitta Crisps:
1 pkt pitta bread (wholemeal or white)
2 tbsp dried thyme
2 tbsp freshly ground black pepper
olive oil spray

To Make:
Pumpkin, Nutmeg & Fetta
1. preheat oven to 160 degrees (fan forced)
2. place pumpkin on a baking tray, sprinkle with nutmeg, S&P and drizzle with olive oil
3. bake for approx 25 mins or until tender, tossing around in the tray once or twice
4. place in a blender with 1 tbs olive oil and blend until almost smooth
5. add the fetta and pulse until just combined
6. place in a serving bowl and sprinkle w/ some extra nutmeg and drizzle w/ a little extra olive oil

*dips can also be stored in airtight containers in the fridge for up to 5 days

Creamy Beetroot, Cumin & Dill
1. place all ingredients and some S&P in a blender
2. blend until almost smooth
3. place in a serving bowl and top w/ some extra sour cream to serve

Pea, Parmesan & Garlic
1. place blanced peas, garlic, parmesan and some S&P in a blender w/ 1bs olive oil
2. blend until almost smooth
3. add ming and pulse until combined
4. place in a serving bowl and sprinkle w/ some extra parmesan

Thympe & Pepper Pitta Crisps
1. separate the pitta bread around the edges with a knife so that each one makes 2 pieces
2. tear it into chunks or shards
3. place it in a single-ish layer (it doesn't matter if some overlaps!) on a baking tray
4. spray generously w/ olive oil and sprinkle with thyme & black pepper
5. bake in the oven for about 5 mins or until crisp and golden (you may need to shake them around half way through)
6. repeat w/ remaining bread until all cooked
7. store in an airtight container for up to a week or serve immediately

Enjoy separately or together....a great starter/nibble for any casual gathering or as part of a middle eastern banquet!

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