Friday, October 15, 2010

Time For A Picnic.....

As I sit blogging this the rain in Melbourne is spilling down, the skies are silver and the wind is blowing but let's pretend it's yesterday or that you're somewhere else....

As the weather warms up, the idea of spending some quality time with mother nature becomes more appealing. When the suns rays are shining through, the grass is green and lush, the sand is dry and the water is shimmering there is really nothing better than a picnic! With this in mind I thought I would put together the ultimate picnic guide to entice you into the gorgeous outdoors to spend some time with friends or family. If you do it right and spend a little time on the planning and preparation there's a good chance you will create a day that will remain in your happy memories bank for a long time to come!

There are really only a few things to think about and they can be set out under some sub-headings to help keep you focussed, organised and on track.
1. the food & bevvies
2. the storage (basket, thermos, containers, esky etc)
3. the comfort (rug, cushions, deck chairs, towells)
4. the entertainment (bats & balls, books & mags and maybe even a boardgame)
5. the location, date and time (beach, park, garden, river or lake)

I'm often a bit muddled so let's go backwards....

First the location, date and time. Think about where you and your company woud like to spend an afternoon...this will depend on your likes and dislikes. For example if you hate sand in your undies, perhaps the beach isn't the go! There are many public parks and gardens that make gorgeous picnic pozzis, and some have built in entertainment...think feeding ducks and signed garden walks. Or take a drive to  a scenic spot on a river or lake. When you plan the timing of your picnic, make sure you leave enough time for you to get to your destination without having to leave at the crack of dawn (too stressful!). Try to be organised the day before if you can with your food prepared and packed and even some bits and pieces packed in the car or left by the front door.

When it comes to entertainment it largely depends on the crowd. If it's a romantic couple picnic then you probably don't need much...surely staring into each other's eyes for a couple of hours is entertainment enough? However if you have kids coming along, get them to brainstorm some bits and pieces that they can take to play, thus giving the adults some time to relax. Make sure they consider the location and don't take everything they want...keep it simple sweeties!! Some old jars or containers to collect bugs are great, maybe a bat and ball or frisbee and perhaps even a boardgame. Avoid taking things like DS's and Ipods.....this is about spending time with your friends and family...not Justin Bieber and The Mario Bros.

The comfort factor is an important one to consider. Again it depends on the location....lugging deck chairs down a cliff will never be a good start to the day! Keep it light and easy but also make sure you're going to be comfy. A good rug is essential and some cushions or beanbags are also great so that you can really get chilled! Remember that whatever you take you have to be able to pack and carrry with a smile on your dial!

When it comes to your storage and food they go hand in hand. If you're splurging and perhaps treating someone to a special day out you may want to consider ordering a hamper or basket from a caterer so it's all there ready to go. It will save any food related stress at your end and adds a little touch of luxury. In Melbourne we love the sound of Laura Licious Catering & Picnic Hampers for a gourmet hamper or picnic with your choice of bits and pieces.

However, if you want to do it yourself and feel like you need to update your picnic equip check out Break Of Day Baskets & Picnic Hampers for lots of great picnic sets, baskets and outdoor eating bits and pieces. Remember to make sure you have basic bits and pieces like a sharp knife (wrap it in a tea-towell), a bottle opener and some paper towell or wet wipes just in case. Don't forget the drinks...take a good selection and something to keep them cold. If you buy individual sized drinks like piccolos of bubbly, box juices or cans of fizzy there may be no need for cups.

Now when it comes to food it's really up to it yourself, order something fancy, buy some simple bits and pieces or do a combination.

If you want to buy some bits and pieces and keep it nice and simple, it's hard to go past a cold bbq chicken as a starting point. Take a good salad (bring the dressing separate to avoid the soggies!), some good bread, a few condiments and maybe something sweet to finish and you're done. Another idea is to grab a nice selection fo cold meats from your deli, some antipasto like olives and marinated veggies, some nice cheese, a loaf of bread and voila!

However if the idea of banging around in the kitchen and serving up something to your posse that is filled with love, then there are tonnes of picnic friendly recipes around. Try the taste website for their picnic recipe collection for some picnic-spiration! One of my favourites it the Mediterranean Tuna & Rice Pie. My tip for the cooks however, is, don't try to do too much...there is nothing wrong with picking up some bits from the deli and adding them to your basket with one or two things that you've made to give your basket a personal touch. Think fritatta, quiche, meatloaf or if you really have your fancy pants on, maybe a terrine!

Something I love to make is my antipasto scrolls...perfect for a picnic and you can vary the fillings to suit your taste. They can be made the day before or even prior and frozen...just get them out the morning on the picnic and you're good to go.

 Antipasto Scrolls:
500g plain flour
250 mls warm water
2 x 7g sachets of dried yeast
1 tsp caster sugar
1tsp sea salt
1/4 cup of pizza sauce or passata sauce
2 cups chopped anitpasto of your choice (or left over roast veggies)
1/4 cup freshly grated parmesan
1 cup grated tasty or mozzarella cheese
olive oil spray

To Make:
*place the flour, sugar and salt into a large bowl (or a kitchen mixer that has a dough hook attachment)
*add the yeast to the water and stir gently to combine
*pour the water into the bowl and mix well with your hands until it forms a dough (or use the kitchen mixer for this step and the next)
*sprinkle your bench with some extra flour, remove dough to the bench and knead until just smooth
*spray a clean large bowl with olive oil, place the dough into it, cover with cling film and leave somewhere warm until doubled in size (takes at least an hour)
*remove dough and knock the air out with your hands - then on a floured bench roll the dough out with a rolling pin into a rectangle shape about 1.5cm thick (it will end up about 30cm x 15cm)
*spread the dough with the pizza sauce all over, leaving a 2cm gap down one of the long sides
*sprinkle with the antipasto (again leaving the gap)
*then top with parmesan and grated cheese
*starting at the covered long side and roll the dough over and over as tightly as you can to make a scroll inside
*moisted the final side with some water and seal it up to the other side, giving it a squish
*line a baking tray with baking paper
*slice the scroll into pieces about 5cm wide and then turn upwards and place on the tray without leaving a gap in between them. You should have 6-8 scrolls so arrange them all together in the middle of the tray leaving equal space all around the outside.
*bake for 15-20 mins or until golden brown around the outside and on top.
*remove and let cool before wrapping
note: you can substitute the fillings for lots of things like cheese & vegemite, pesto & cheese, ricotta & spinach etc.

They're delicious!!

So that's everything covered and you should be ready and set for your very own date with the birds and the bees (we mean figuratively but we'll leave that one up to you!) Finally, here are a few short order tips to ensure your picnic success:

*Get a good basket that suits your needs: it doesn't have to be specifically designed for picnic-ing, but should be kept stocked with the little things you might need eg. bottle opened (beer & wine), bug repellent, scissors etc
*Always take good goes with everything and adds volume to your picnic spread with very little effort...take a few different things to compliment it like a pate, chutney, pesto or whatver else takes your fancy
*Choose food that will transport, store and serve well when away from the kitchen; sausage rolls, legume salads, quiches and cold chicken are ideal
*Make sure you pack things well; containers are a must - and check that they seal well, especially for any liquid items
*Get a good rug (waterproof backing is a good option!) and even take some cushions and/or bean bag for extra comfort
*Choose a location that has a wet-weather option if you're planning ahead and if kids are coming along take some entertainment ideas like balls, bats, buckets & spades, bug collectors - some old jars will work or even book and boardgames
*Don’t forget the sunscreen, garbage bags & bug spray- and make sure that nothing you take gets left behind...except your footprints!


Now go and feel the sunshine on your skin and have a gorgeous al-fresco eating experience!!

Chin chin xx

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