Saturday, October 9, 2010

Schnitzel Me Up Chicken!

Sometimes there's nothing that can cut it quite like a golden crumbed piece of delciousness! In a world where carbs are evil and size 0 is coveted by many, we all need to break free from our guilty consciences now and then and enjoy something just because it's...well....seriously good!! Sure this may not be a super healthy option and we couldn't describe is as "lite" or "low fat" or "low carb" or "boring" but trust'll love it, and if you live by the "everything in moderation" mantra then what's the stress?

Ok so, all that is eluding to my gorgeous, crunchy, crispy, golden, juicy and simply mouth watering "Thyme, Parsley & Parmesan Chicken Schnitzel" - in this instance served with golden roasted potatoes and a moreish apple coleslaw. So enough rambling....sink your teeth into this one!


What you'll need:
*4 skinless chicken breasts (free range or organic are always best!)
*4-6 slices or a 15 cm long chunk of left over bread (any kind really but some sourdough or something a bit more rustic is great - the better the flavour of the bread on its own the better the taste of the coating!)
*1/2 cup freshly finely grated parmesan
*2 tbsp chopped fresh thyme (you can use dried if you must!)
*2 tbs chopped fresh parsley
*2 eggs lightly beaten
*2 tbs milk
*1/2 cup plain flour
*olive oil

How to:
1. lay a large piece of cling film on your bench or chopping board and place one of the chicken breasts of top (you'll need lots of space around the edges of the chicken so make sure it's big enough) then cover with another piece of cling film (don't wrap it up just place it on top of the chicken). Use a meat cleaver or a rolling pin or even the bottom of a jar or bottle to bash the chicken all over until it is an even thickness all over (aim for about 2cm thick). Remove from cling wrap and set aside. Repeat with the other 3 pieces of chicken.
2. tear the bread into smallish chunks and the use a food processor or stick blender or blender to whizz up the bread into crumbs (you don't want them too fine) - place them into a shallow dish or onto a large plate and mix the parmesan, parsley and thyme through until combined
3.add some salt and pepper to your flour and place it onto a large plate
4.combine the eggs and the milk in a shallow dish that is large enough to fit the chicken pieces into it
5. order your dishes along the bench like this....chicken pieces, flour, eggs, breadcrumbs, clean plate
6. take a piece of chicken, dip it into the flour on both sides, give it a quick shake to remove excess, dip into the egg mix on both sides, place it in the crumbs and coat well, using your hands to press the crumbs on and then place it on the clean plate - repeat with each piece of chicken
7. if possible place the crumbed schnitzels into the fridge for a while (10-20 mins is great!) to help the crumbs settle and stick
8. pour some olive oil into a large, non-stick fry pan (enough the coat the whole base and with be about 1cm deep) over medium heat until can chuck a little bit of bread in there to test the want the bread to start to bubble as soon as it hits the pan but not to colour straight away
10. add the chicken to the pan (you may need to do this in two steps depending on the size of the pan) and let cook for about 5-8 mins on one side (it should be bubbling and sizzling) - when you see it starting to look golden brown around the edges check the underside and if it looks nice and golden carefully flip it over using tong and a spatula. Cook on the other side for another 5 mins or until golden brown. Repeat with all the chicken (you may need to add and heat some more oil before adding the next batch)
11. place cooked chicken onto a wire rack with some paper towell underneath it - that will keep it nice and crunchy while still letting it drain.
12. Enjoy!

Serve them with some roast potatoes & coleslaw or whatever takes your's great with mash and veggies in the winter or some scalloped potatoes and gorgeous green summer try it with a simple garden or greek salad. You can also play with the herbs in the crumbs to get different for a thai inspiration you could add some coriander and mint and serve it with some sweet chilli mayo. You can slice them up and serve them with some tortilla wraps and salad, put them in a bun for a gorgeous chicken burger with some mayo, avo, cucumber and lettuce....or make a ceasar salad and place the sliced schnitzel on top...the possibilities are endless

So that's it! It's heaven in breadcrumbs - I promise you. Oh and a last little tip.....if you get yourself in a pickle and your other bits and pieces aren't ready right when the schnitzels are done just place them onto a tray lined with baking paper in the oven, with a little bit of foil resting on top and they'll stay warm until you're ready to serve! Mmmmmmm.

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