Saturday, May 8, 2010

This Week's Dinner Menu

Hi all Hopefully this catches you before shopping day so that you can incorporate all, some or even just one of these ideas into your weekly meals. I can't tell you how much difference it makes to your life to plan your weekly meals ahead and get the shopping done so you don't have to keep going back to the stuper-maket over and over again. And then..if you can manage to whip one meal up over the weekend and bang it in the fridge ready for Monday night or freeze it for that busy night of the week when you can never be bothered...jackpot! You'll feel less stressed and rushed by just spending half an hour doing a bit of pre-planning. And here I'm taking a hit for you and making the choices for you. Ok let's go. Monday: Italian Chicken Casserole (serve with rice, pasta or mash) - recipe below note: if you're pushed for time or gluten free those 90 sec pkt rices from the supermarket are great - go for brown if you want to be healthier, lower GI and good carbs! note 2: make it on the weekend if you have time and refrigerate til Monday or freeze! serves 4 Ingredients: 4 skinless chicken fillets or 6 chicken thighs (add more to serve more!) 1 tin diced tomatoes (go for Italian if you can - always better!) 1 glass white wine or 1 cup chicken stock 1 medium carrot (grated or finely diced) 1 stick celery (grated or finely diced) 1 medium brown onion (grated or finely diced) 12 slices of proscuitto or 6 rashers middle bacon (see note at bottom) Method: *slice the chicken into long pieces - from 1 fillet you should get 3-4 pieces (like the size and shape of chicken tenderloins) *if you can be bothered wrap the slices with the proscuitto - if not just tear or slice up the proscuitto or bacon and add to the pan after the chicken before adding the vegies *seal and brown the chicken in a hot non stick frypay until they have turned all white and have some golden bits on them *remove from the pan and place on a plate *add the vegies to the pan with a little bit of garlic and some herbs (dried or fresh) if you have them and a pinch of salt and pepper *stir them until they become soft (this will be quicker if grated) *add the tinned tomatoes and the wine/stock *return the chicken to the pan and push it down into the sauce so it's almost covered *if there is not enough sauce you can add some more tomatoes and/or stock *turn it down to low and let it simmer until the chicken it cooked through (it will feel firm when you push on it) and the sauce is thickened *serve immediately, place in the fridge or freeze in an airtight container when cooled. Tuesday: Homemade Beef Burgers note: you can also cut up some washed potatoes into wedges, spray or toss them them with some olive oil and bake in the oven at about 200 degrees until soft and golden to serve with note 2: you can toast the buns if you like either in the pan or under the grill *500g lean mince will make about 4 burgers - mix with it some grated onion, a squirt of tomato ketchup, a squirt of mustard, an egg, a handful of breadcrumbs and some fresh or dried herbs if you like. make into patties and place in the fridge. *slice up some salad toppings of your choice - lettuce, tomato, tinned beetroot, cucumber, grated carrot, mushies, cheese whatever you like *cook the patties in a non stick frypan on medium-high heat -look at the side to see that it's cooked half way up and then turn *serve with some nice bread rolls and let everyone make their own burger with the fillings on the table plus some mayo, tomato sauce and mustard - yummo! Wednesday: Thick Orange Soup note: this can be made ahead and refrigerated or frozen in an airtight container Ingredients: 500g nice orange pumpkin of your choice 1 medium sweet potato 1 leek or 2 medium onions 1-2 litres stock (vegie or chicken) breadstick or bread rolls to serve Method: *chop the pumpkin and sweet potato into chunks (about 5 cm cubed but don't be too fussy!) *dice the onions or slice the leek *heat a large saucepan or big pot on medium heat *place a tablespoon of olive oil and a tablespoon of butter/margarine in the pan til butter melts *add the onion/leek and stir until soft *add the pumpkin & sweet potato and a pinch of salt and pepper *cook, stirring occasionally, until vegies start to soften *you can add a teaspoon of curry powder to make it interesting if you like (optional) *cover with stock - make sure it's just to the top of the vegies *bring it to the boil and then turn down to simmer until the vegies are all nice and soft (you can't really overcook them!) *let it cool a bit and then use a stick blender or a jug blender to puree the soup til it's smooth - you can add some more stock or water if you like it a bit thinner *serve with bread or rolls and a dollop of sour cream if you like or if you have big eaters serve it with some ham & cheese toasties/jaffles Thursday: Meatball Pasta Bake note: if you have fussy kids grating vegies is a great way to disguise them but you can leave out the mushies if you like. Ingredients: 500g penne/macaroni/rigatoni 1 jar passata (tomato cooking sauce) 1 grated large carrot 1 grated large zucchini 1 grated stick celery 8 button mushies (finely diced) 1 grated onion 1 clove garlic or 1 tsp jarred garlice 2 cups grated tasty cheese 1 pkt chevup sausages (skinless sausages) or 350g mince of your choice mixed with some seasoning and other flavours like dried herbs & spices Method: *cook the pasta until it's just cooked (as this will be baked in the oven too you don't want to overcook it!) - drain it, toss it with a splash of olive oile, salt & pepper and set it aside *in a large pan cook vegies in a splash of olive oil with the garlic until soft, add the passata, a tsp sugar, a pinch of salt and pepper and some herbs if you have them (dried or fresh) *break the sausages into little meatball size pieces or do the same with the mince *add the little meatball pieces to the sauce (no need to cook first) *turn the heat down and let the sauce simmer for about 5 minutes *add the pasta and toss to combine *place in a large oven proof baking dish and sprinkle cheese over the top *bake in 180 degree oven until the cheese is golden and bubbly *serve with a side salad if you like Friday: Chilli Con Carne w/ rice, corn chips & salsa Ingredients: 500g lean beef mince 1 can red kidney beans (drained and rinsed in a strainer) 1 green capsicum (grated or finely diced) 1 medium brown onion (grated or finely diced) 1 clove garlic or 1tsp jar garlic 1 tin diced tomatoes 6 button mushrooms (finely diced) 1/4 tsp chilli powder, 1 tsp cumin & 1 tsp dried oregano (adjust chilli to your taste or omit) large pkt 90 sec brown rice 1 pkt plain corn chips 1 jar salsa sour cream (optional) sliced or mashed avocado (optional) Method: *in a large pan on med-high heat cook mince until browned - try to break up any big lumps with the bag of the wooden spoon *remove and put in a bowl *in the same pan on same heat add the vegies with a splash of olive oil and the garlic and cook until soft *return the mince to the pan with the vegies and add the chilli, cumin & oregano, kidney beans and the tomatoes *let the sauce simmer on low to develop the flavours for 5-10 mins *heat your rice *serve the rice topped with the chilli con carne in a bowl *place corn chips, salsa, sour cream and avocado on the table for people to help themselves to Ok - hope you can use some or maybe even all of these ideas to make your life easier and ineresting!! Good luck - would love to hear how you go! Have a great weekend!

1 comment:

  1. mmmmmm that all sounds awesome Sal......might just have to try 1 or 2 of them :)
